Tuesday, April 14, 2009

And these towels are too loud

Via tofutti break, location unknown

-This jukebox sucks
-This is a paper towel dispenser. Not a jukebox.

Though both are essential devices in a bar.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Yoshitomo Nara thinks outside the bathroom

This technically isn't in a bathroom, but it's right next to one and the whole area smells like shit, so I'll let it slide. But more interestingly, it's a drunken scrawling by a guy who just happens to be a famous artist: Yoshitomo Nara, who is important because of some Japanese pop stuff.

Niagara, NYC, 3-21-09

-Hey NYC. Are you happy?
-Love Niagara

Check out more from his doodles at Niagara here. Note: uncool girls and boys need not attempt to pee.

Monday, March 16, 2009


-I hear sometimes it swallows you whole.
-Sucks, I'm goin' home.

The crippling loneliness of New York? The hustle of a dead-end career? The toilet?

Weirdly meta when I'm taking a picture of it.

Align CenterBroker, not bater?

All Rehab, NYC, ladies, 10-18-08

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Though not actually in a bathroom, this wall in Philadelphia's fantastic cocktail bar Apo is pretty rad. (Formerly Apothecary, the bar was forced to abbreviate since apparently it's illegal to call something Apothecary when it's not an actual pharmacy.)

I've always thought of this Paul Simon lyric as a tag line of sorts for this blog.

Perhaps this too.

All Apothecary Apo, Philadelphia, 2-15-09
Excellent reference to Orson Welles long lost champagne commercial. Classy and obscure, Philly. Check out Welles' inebriated musings on the French:

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The undead

This exaggeration brought forth a few great answers. I don't think he meant the brain-consuming lifestyle, but this is awesome.

Bar Pilar, DC, men's, 1-3-09

-Your lifestyle will ruin us all.
-Who's? Mine?

-Not until after I'm dead.
-Live it up. You'll all be zombies soon

The perfect man?

Evan sounds like a pretty stand up guy, apparently worthy of a line scrawled on scaffolding on the ceiling. Check out the lighting fixture next to this homage. Then check out the poster of the guy with nudie sunglasses who looks like he's reading the graffiti. The caption: "The finest in adult reading!"

DC9, Washington DC, ladies, 8-22-08

Evan: Lover of ladies, savior of lost puppies, & enemy of the man.

But not HERE

The irony is just so clever, eh?

Gutter, ladies, 2-9-08

Stop looking here.

I actually liked this movie

Lakeside Lounge, ladies room, 2/8/08

Fuck you, Hollywood! Leave New York alone!!!